Wednesday 24 November 2010

In The Beginning

Decorative Arts Exhibition
Rook Lane Chapel, Frome
Nov 19 - 3 Dec 2011

Objective: To hold an exhibition of work by various artists and craftsfolk from the Frome area which will reflect the application of design to household (and office) interiors. This would be the first of its kind with further annual exhibitions to promote new work and artists, as well as special features.
Artists will not be restricted in their style, nor choice of object and medium.
The concept of Decorative Arts is to take art, crafts and household items and bring them all together to create added value.

The items could be as wide ranging as:
Wallpaper, Carpeting, Fabrics and soft furnishings, Curtains, Pillows
Tables, Chairs, Magazine racks, Chests, Storage units, Chalkboards
Key holders, Doors, Fireplaces, Laptops, Garage doors, Lamps
Umbrella stands, Crockery, Tableware, Toys etc etc.

A new category would be video projection and electronic media as a new form of decorative art.

Publication and marketing of a book of each exhibiting artist and their work at

Please help to make this a value-added exhibition and one which will help establish Frome as a centre of creative excellence.

Mel Sewell
(In case it isn't obvious I shall be curating, as well as exhibiting)

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