Sunday 21 August 2011


More exhibitors are contacting me by the day and the PROPER WEBSITE for the EXHIBITION at is now begining to look healthy with yer actual images of exhibitors.

Of course it would be great if you would now all inundate me with 5 images and 4 line biog. Why? Need I remind you that times are tough. How much wok have you sold in the past 24 months? So we all know that we have to run FOUR TIMES HARDER just to keep standing still. The exhibition blogsite is being publicised to 30 publications/media over the next few months, as well as 30 London Galleries. So this is all FOR YOU.

The actual opening dates/times are:
Setup 18th. From 10am. Please arrive as early as possible. there will be lots to do before the PV later.
PV on 18th at Rook Lane, 1800-2100hrs. Music from Mark Abis, Saravian, Tim Manning and poetry from Helen Moore. 
Gallery open until 2 Dec but not open 20/21 and 27/28. Rook Lane have told me that they will not have the gallery open on Sundays. I think this is bonkers. If you agree please let me know and I'll see if I can twist their arm.
Sat 19th workshops with Theresa Sundt (colour discovery)
Sat 26th workshops with Zac Greening (children+art+recycled materials)
More on both those later.
Guest appearance (don't know when) from Kevin McCloud.
There will be a steward every day of the exhibition. If you are not there to see clients and take money please let me know.

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