Wednesday 12 October 2011

latest info

My last email asked if anyone would like the exhibition to be open on Sundays. Well it is a bit weird that I should even have to ask as almost every gallery, of note, that I have ever visited HAS been open on a Sunday.
So, when only four of you answered in the positive. I had to assume that you either hadn’t read your email, or that you don’t want to be open on Sunday. If it is the latter that is very weird. You see Sunday is the other day in the weekend when people have free time and it is in this free time that they go shopping, sightseeing or goggling at art.
Well, push comes to shove. Annie at Rook Lane Arts was up against a deadline to put out the brochure for November/ December and needed a firm answer from me on whether we would wan to be open on Sundays. Note plural. There are TWO Sundays during the exhibition. So I told Annie to put us down for BOTH Sundays. That means £3x2=£6. I am assuming you are all going to sell and that you can find this amount from your cash tin and you will help prevent me digging further into my wallet. Please let me have your views on this matter.

I have printed 6xA1 posters for distribution around Frome, Wincanton and Yeovil. These will be for shop windows. One is already part of the installation at Black Swan Arts and will be there until the end of October. This will then be moved to a display in the Frome Health Shop on 14th Nov. That leaves me one mounted poster as a spare. I have uploaded the poster jpeg onto the blogsite if you would like to print and use.

There has become an issue with artists wishing to install their work and making their own bookings directly with Rook Lane Unfortunately this introduces chaos and I must please ask you to make any enquiries through me.
Please see timetable on previous email for your preferred installation times.

My last email also asked whether you would all please send your labelling details to me, whereupon I will print and stick onto foam core for you. OK, this is a minimum of 150 labels. So may I ask you firstly to let me have all the details 1 WEEK BEFORE THE EXHIBITION. That is no later than 11th Nov.
In addition may I ask if anyone would like to help me cut and paste? (Refreshments provided.)

I am now proceeding with the catalogue and hoping to get all of you in. It will be printed A3, full colour and be kept very simple: Typical product example image, name, medium and exhibitor number.
If you would like to participate and you haven’t already sent me images (ie for the website), please let me have details and jpeg asap (I hate leaving things till the last minute). Ta.

I am making an impassioned plea for help with stewarding. I will be there every day, of course. Dave Cooper has already stepped forward. Any more please?

On a closing note I hope that the new email format with wider spacing and larger font is agreeable to all.


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