Saturday 23 July 2011

Terms and conditions, timetable and more

Forgot: Rook Lane will be asking 25% of your take.
Hanging and arranging to be 16 and 17 November. Take down 5 Dec.
As stated previously I am only asking £25 for your entry fee (I'll chase that at a later date), that will include the PV (and Rook Lane's publicity machine and printed brochure), all my pr and publicity, a PV printed invite for you to dish to friends and potential buyers, posters around the town (and maybe out of town and Bath too) and an exhibitor's brochure (A3, printed colour, both sides and room for 64 entries - more about that later).
There will be a programme of musical events, which I will also advise you about later.
And if it really does look like a good event we can also take space at Sun Street Arts.
OK, will add more as time goes by.

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